House demolition is a military tactic that has been used for many purposes in many conflicts
throughout history. It is often used to wipe out enemy infrastructure and food supply or to
completely destroy enemy economy and ability to fight. …
at You Need to Know About the Causes of Disability
There are many causes for disability. Emotional factors, such as depression, anger, and guilt,
can cause pain in the body. They also include emotional traumas that were experienced in
childhood. These traumas can manifest in disabilities in the way that …
What is disablity? How can it be treated effectively?
A learning disability is a combination of learning disabilities that can hinder or affect an
individual’s ability to learn. It is common to have a learning disability and other mental disorders
at the same time. People who are healthy and …
What Disablity Services Are Available
There are many benefits to disability services. Disability can be defined to mean a decrease in
one or more physical abilities. It could include loss of mobility, wheelchair-boundness, impaired
hearing or cognitive difficulties. These can make it difficult to perform …
Prevalence of Disability in Newborns
The prevalence of disability in newborns is high compared to the age range from birth to two
years. This age group had a prevalence rate of 5.5 children with disabilities. In contrast, the
prevalence of disability in two- to five-year-olds …